Menu Information
To view the availability of this menu and others for your event, and for further information, please select the location of your event in the menu. All menus are available to book online immediately with the Denistars guarantee.
Savour the five exquisite dishes of the Aromas menu, starting with crispy Peking-style duck tacos to share. Then, four individually served dishes, combining Mediterranean and Asian flavours, will follow. Each dish is carefully crafted to offer you a unique gastronomic experience, perfect for special occasions and creating an unforgettable culinary evening in the comfort of your home.
Cucumber, ginger, onion
Avocado, green apple, seaweed, sesame.
Almond sauce
Cowliflower cream, roasted vegetables
Vanilla crumble, red fruit coulis
To view the availability of this menu and others for your event, and for further information, please select the location of your event in the menu. All menus are available to book online immediately with the Denistars guarantee.